1:-  What is android?

Android is a Linux-based and open source Operating System for smart phone and tablet computers. Which is  developed by the Open Handset Alliance, led by Google, and other companies.

2:-What are the advantages of Android?

  • Android can be developed by anyone because it is a Linux based open-source operating system.
  • Android is able to support all google services.
  • You can install modified custom rom.
  • It is capable of supports Third-party apps.

3. Explain about the exceptions of Android?

  • Very Less security, due to which fake apps can be installed easily to fetch your data from strange resources
  • Protection of Virus is required
  • Some apps quality is not good

4:-Describe the APK format.

The APK file is a compressed  version of the AndroidManifest, xml file, application code , resource files, another files. A project is compiled into one .apk file.

5:-What is .apk extension?

The extension for an Android package file, which generally contains all of the files associated with one Android application. The file itself may be a compressed collection of an AndroidManifest, xml file, application code (.dex files), resource files, and other files. A project is compiled into one .apk file.

6:-What is .dex extension?

In dex (Dalvik Executable) files android programs are compiled, which are successively zipped into one .apk file on the device. 

7:-Explain the Architecture of Android ?

  • Applications
  • Application Framework 
  • System Libraries 
  • Linux Kernel 

8:-What is an activity?

A single screen in an application, with supporting Java code. An application can have more than one activity.

9:-What is a service?

A services in android is a background process which is user ton perform ling running task.

10:-What is Mono for Android?

Mono for Android could be a software development kit that permits developers to use the C# language to create mobile applications for Android-based devices. Mono for Android exposes two sets of APIs, the core .NET APIs that C# developers are conversant in further as a C# binding to Android’s native APIs exposed through the Mono. Android.

11:-.What is Drawable?

A Drawable is a directory in Android Studio which contain app icon, image asset, custom background xml file etc.

12:-What are fragments in Android Activity ?

Fragment represents a behavior or a little of program in an Activity. And it’s a self-contained component with its own UI and lifecycle.

13:-. What is BroadcastReceiver?

BroadcastReceiver is a type of component that can deliver a msg system wide by which  any other component can capture it and interact with it.

14:-How many ways data stored in Android?

  • Shared Preferences
  • Internal Storage
  • External Storage
  • SQLite Database
  • Network connection

15:-Types of Android applications?

  • Foreground
  • Background
  • Intermittent
  • Widget

16:-What is View in Android?

Views are the bottom class for all visual interface elements(commonly referred to as controls or widgets).

17:-What View Group in Android?

View Groups are extensions of the View class that may contain multiple child View. Extend the ViewGroup class to form compound controls made from interconnected child Views.

18:-What is Adapter?

Adapter are bridging classes that bind data to Views(such as List Views) utilized in the computer program. The adapter is accountable for creating for creating the kid Views wont to represent each item within the parent View, and providing access to the underlying data.

19:-What is a Content Provider ?

A content provider component transfer data between applications and the request by which it transfer data are handles by the method of content resolver class

20:-What is an Application ?

Collection of one or more activities, services, listeners, and intent receivers. An application incorporates a single manifest, and is compiled into one .apk file on the device.


1:-What is the Intent Filter associated with the app main entry point?


2:-What are Intent Filters?

Answer) Filters are flags declared on an Android object that determine the types of Intents it can handle.

3:-How can you force the App chooser dialog?

Answer) To show the chooser, create an Intent using the createChooser() flag and pass it to startActivity

4:-How can you pass non primitive data type through an Intent?

Answer) To be able to send a non primitive data object through an Intent, it must implement the Paracelable interface

5:-What are Intent flags?

Answer) Intent flags may instruct the Android system how to launch an activity and how to treat it after its launched.

6:-What is the Intent Category?

Answer) A string containing additional information about the kind of component that should handle the Intent.

7:-What is the Intent Data?

Answer) The URI that references the data to be acted on and/or the MIME type of that data.

8:-What is the Intent Action?

Answer) A string that specifies the generic action that needs to be performed.

9:-What is the Intent Component Name?

Answer) An optional Intent parameter that specifies the name of the component to start.

10:-What are Intent Extras?

Answer) Intent Extras are Key value pairs that carry additional information required to accomplish the requested action.

11:-What is a Pending Intent?

Answer) A Pendingintent object is a wrapper around an Intent object. The primary purpose of a Pendingintent is to grant permission to a foreign application to use the contained Intent as if it were executed from your apps own process.

12:-What is an Explicit Intent?

Answer) Android Explicit intent specifies the component which is to be invoked from activity. that is we can call another activity in android by the use of explicit intent.

13:-What is an Implicit Intent?

Answer) Implicit Intents are ones that do not name a specific component, but instead declare a general action to perform, which allows a component from another app to handle it.

14:-What types of Intents are there?

Answer) Implicit Explicit Pending

15:-What can Intents be used for?


  • Starting an Activity
  • Starting a Service
  • Delivering a Broadcast

16:-What are Intents?

Answer) An Intent is a messaging object which can be used to transfer data between activities, launch activities and request an action from another app component

Refer this link for more clarification.

Broadcast Receiver

1:-What are sending and receiving permission?

Answer) Permissions are flags that restrict which receivers can receive and process the Broadcast.

2:-How can an app send a Broadcast?

Answer) There are 3 ways to send Broadcasts: – 

  • sendOrderedBroadcast: sends Broadcasts to one receiver at a time.
  • sendBroadcast: sends Broadcast to all receivers in an undefined order.
  • LocalBroadcastManager.sendBroadcast: sends Broadcasts to receivers that are in the same app as the sender.

3:-How can you register a BroadcastReceiver?

Answer) Receivers are registered either in the AndroidManifest.xml file or in code using the context object.

4:-What are BroadcastReceivers?

Answer) BroadcastReceivers are classes that receive and handle Broadcast Intents.

5:-What are System Broadcasts

Answer) System Broadcasts is a type of Broadcasts which  sent when various system events occurs, such as when the system switch in and switch out of WIFI. System Broadcasts are sent to all apps which are subscribed to receive the event.

6:-What is Broadcasts?

Answer) Broadcasts are messages sent either by the system or other apps when an event of interest occurs. App can register to receive specific Broadcasts. When a Broadcast is sent, the system automatically routes Broadcasts to apps that have subscribed to receive that particular type of Broadcast.

Refer this link for more clarification.

Content Provider

1:-What is a Cursor?

Answer) A Cursor is an interface that provides random read write access to the result set returned by a query.

2:-How do you query the ContentResolver?

Answer) Using the command ContentResolver.query()

3:-What is a ContentResolver?

Answer) A ContentResolver is an object used to access data in a ContentProvider.

4:-What is a ContentProvider?

Answer) A ContentProvider is a component which manages access to a central repository of data. Content Providers supplies data from one application to other.

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